photo contest

Photo Details

Any portrait photography with filters

Name: hamzeh mohammad hosseini

Country of residence: Iran

Country where picture is taken: Iran

Title of the Picture: Where is your child?


Lens 24-70 L

Filter: None



Shutter Speed:

About 26,000 orphan or ill-cared children live in Iran under protection and support of the Welfare Organization, directly or indirectly. Of these, 85% of them are ill-cared, which means that their families do not have the qualification to maintain their own children. Annually, 900 children are added to this statistic.
Depression, fear, night crying, nocturnal enuresis, lack of self-confidence, sequential affiliation to different people, anger, susceptibility to various forms of delinquency are some of the side effects for these children.
Addiction to alcohol and drugs, gambling, moral corruption and prostitution, getting parent's mental illness are the main causes of this, of which 70% of children's problems are related to parents' addiction. In recent studies, about 2.8 million are continuous drug users in Iran.

Twelve orphaned and malevolent girls, all under the 12, are being held by a family under supervision of Welfare Organization in a garden house around Tehran. Their care is provided by that family and the benefactors. They each have issues at an early age, they have faced various disaster and have had a lot of problems. Addiction at age 5 or sexual assault by a father at age 6 is a prime example of this. Although they seem to have ordinary lives. But in fact, because of their dark past, they have had many psychological problems and struggles in their lives. In this series, they use a mask to prevent their names from being revealed and to avoid any future problems.

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