photo contest

Photo Details

Nightscape photography with/without filter

Name: Boris Gantselevich

Country of residence: Israel

Country where picture is taken: Denmark

Title of the Picture: Greenland is the land of eternal ice.

Camera NIKON D7200

Lens Nikon 70-200 f4

Filter: Polarizing(PL)

ISO 800

Aperture f 5,6

Shutter Speed: 1/1600 c

Comment: In the polar and other cold regions, there are so beautiful, unusual and, one might say, unique formations of ice, snow and water that, at one glance, they are breathtaking. Most of these natural wonders can be visited only by scientists and those few adventurers who are not stopped by significant physical and financial costs. Due to their instability and specific locations, these formations can only be seen in certain periods of the year.

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