photo contest

Photo Details

Animal/Wildlife Photography with/without Filters

Name: Glavic José Luis

Country of residence: Argentina

Country where picture is taken: Argentina

Title of the Picture: Colibrí

Camera NIKON D7100

Lens nikor 18.0-135.0

Filter: None

ISO 6400

Aperture 5.6

Shutter Speed: 1/1500

Comment: Descubierto el nido (del colibrí o picaflor en total libertad, en la provincia de Buenos Aires) pude hacer la toma escondido, camuflado y con ayuda de luz artificial después de muchos intentos fallidos.
Having discovered the nest (of the hummingbird in total freedom, in the province of Buenos Aires) I was able to make the shot hidden, camouflaged and with the help of artificial light after many failed attempts.

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