photo contest

Photo Details

In your vicinity, #neighborhoodphotocontest with camera & filters

Name: seyedmohamad tabrizi

Country of residence: Iran

Country where picture is taken: Iran

Title of the Picture: Mask to survive

Camera NIKON D7100

Lens 18-140 nikon

Filter: Polarizing(PL)

ISO 125

Aperture 6

Shutter Speed: 7.965784

Comment: Many people who inadvertently fall prey to coronary heart disease go through grueling days and minutes, moments that they say they did not think would bother them and are so difficult that of course staying home and spending time in The house, which for some is just a complaint, has been much harder. A number of these recovered people who have been exposed to the Corona virus up close and have been its unwanted host for a few days have shared their experiences and moods with everyone. Those who are still unaware of the damage of this virus should come to their senses and be more careful, and those who are at the beginning of the fight is one of the most important ways to prevent coronary disguise.

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