photo contest

Photo Details

Pictures Taken with Polarizing(PL) Filter

Name: Basabendu Madhab Sarkar

Country of residence: India

Country where picture is taken:

Title of the Picture: Fresh Soul

Camera 70D


Filter: Polarized filter

ISO 200/4.5/1/400


Shutter Speed:

Comment: I took this snap in Mumbai India, At evening time I was roming near seashore side. Suddenly I have seen a few little girl ran towards to deep water. I realized they are very charming and thair face was like a blossom flower, It is not take me into trouble to understand that they are first-time having seen the sea.
I immediately shoot their photo little bit placed camera low angle , really They ware joy and happy and so much enthusiastic May their soul try to touch horizon where Sun is going to set. r. I show they are very charming and thair face was blossom flower, It is not to make me trouble to understand that they are first-time have seen the sea.
I immediately shoot their photo little bit placed camera low angle , really They ware joy and happy and so much enthusiastic May their soul try to touch horizon where Sun is going to set.

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