photo contest

Photo Details

Any Pictures Taken with Filter

Name: Pawel Zygmunt

Country of residence: Ireland

Country where picture is taken: United Kingdom

Title of the Picture: kings road

Camera NIKON D810

Lens sigma 100-400 mm

Filter: Polarizing(PL)

ISO 100

Aperture 8.643856

Shutter Speed: 1.321928

Comment: I spent whole day in Northern Ireland last Thursday, visiting forests and parks and looking for some nice Autumn sceneries. My first stop was Dark Hedges in Antrim. I had to leave home at 4:15 am to get there for sunrise, which was a killer but so worth it. I was extremely lucky that there was only 3 people there and they weren't photographers so I wasn't disturbed much. With sunrise happening at 8 am at this time of the year, my biggest concern was that place will be packed with tourists. I was very happy that people enjoyed their longer sleep that day and I had this place only for myslef for most of the time. Sunrise was beautiful, but I had to wait about 30 more minutes before sun light reach the Hedges. I got everything what I was hoping for. The leaves were in all possible colors and loads of them on the trees and around the road also. There was a bit of mist too. I decided to go for vertical shot this time as I wanted to include as much branches and leaves as possible.

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