photo contest

Photo Details

Any Pictures Taken with Filter

Name: Rayhan Ahmed

Country of residence: Bangladesh

Country where picture is taken: Bangladesh

Title of the Picture: Rakher upobas

Camera Canon EOS 60D

Lens canon efs 18-135mm stm

Filter: Polarizing(PL)

ISO 800

Aperture 5.375

Shutter Speed: 4.375

Comment: Bangladeshi Hindu devotees sit with candle light pray to God
at Shri Shri Lokanath Brahmachari Ashram temple
during the religious festival Kartik Brati,
also known as Rakher Upobash in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Devotees attend prayer with burning incense and light oil
lamps before break fasting during a religious festival
called Rakher Upabash.

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