photo contest

Photo Details

Nightscape photography with/without filter

Name: Alessia Piscopo

Country of residence: Italy

Country where picture is taken: Italy

Title of the Picture: Enjoying the Christmas time in San Gregorio Armeno

Camera NIKON D3200


Filter: Polarizing(PL)

ISO 100

Aperture 4.526069

Shutter Speed: 4.643856

Comment: Via San Gregorio Armeno, in the historical center of Naples, is for everyone the “street of cribs”. It is one of the most famous places in the world, and every year, the destination of thousands of tourists abducted by the timeless charm of the shops of master craftsmen of crib art.This street and its shops can be visited at any time of the year - tourists can enjoy a magical Christmas atmosphere when they please. The large part of the artisan workshops are always open with handicraft products on display

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