photo contest

Photo Details

Animal/Wildlife Photography with/without Filters

Name: Marcello Galleano

Country of residence: Italy

Country where picture is taken: Canada

Title of the Picture: Magical setting at the Pole

Camera NIKON D850


Filter: Polarizing(PL)

ISO 1000

Aperture 3.3561442236938928

Shutter Speed: 12.965783664459162

Comment: A young white bear from Manitoba while lazily enjoying a soft snowfall. It is morning in Hudson Bay, Canada, and the bear has just woken up.
I succeeded in capturing it at an extreme temperature (-26 °), in a surreal silence, after observing its habits for a few days.
The polar bear spends most of its time sleeping and lounging in the snow. It only moves when it's hungry.
To hunt its favorite prey - the seal - it is willing to walk hundreds of miles. Its refined nose allowes the bear to sneak up on its prey with a paw when the seal rises to the surface to breathe.

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