photo contest

Photo Details

Animal/Wildlife Photography with/without Filters

Name: Marcello Galleano

Country of residence: Italy

Country where picture is taken: Chile

Title of the Picture: Huge hunt in Chile

Camera NIKON D850


Filter: None

ISO 640

Aperture 6.643855776306108

Shutter Speed: 10.287712287712287

Comment: A cougar, considered a god by the pre-Columbian Maya religion and the Aztecs, that I here photographed, while it was enjoying the crisp air of a December morning, in the Torres del Paine National Park. As it is the early morning, it’s doing one last round of reconnaissance before hiding in the shadow of some rock to sleep the whole day. A wary and solitary animal , who indeed loves moving and hunting while hidden in the shadows of the night and during the day, it’s utterly rare, almost impossible to spot. 

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