photo contest

Photo Details

Animal/Wildlife Photography with/without Filters

Name: Irina Petrova

Country of residence: Russia

Country where picture is taken: Russia

Title of the Picture: Microcosmic portrait of a wasp

Camera NEX-6

Lens MC Takumar 200mm f/4 and Zenitar-M 50mm f/1,7

Filter: None

ISO 100

Aperture f/4 and f/8

Shutter Speed: 6.965784

Comment: An extreme macro portrait of a wasp taken with two lenses: SMC Takumar 200mm f/4, which was made in 1982, and Zenitar-M 50mm f/1,7, made in 1982, as one lens. This photo is a part of a project "Microcosmic portraits of the little earthlings". The purpose of this project is to show usual insects from unusual angles. That is why the photo of the insect was taken within the territory of the South Urals, where it would seem there are no exotic, bright species such as, for example, in Southeast Asia or Africa.

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