photo contest

Photo Details

Animal/Wildlife Photography with/without Filters

Name: Egor Nikiforov

Country of residence: Russia

Country where picture is taken: Russia

Title of the Picture: Earth - a common home

Camera E-M5

Lens М. Zuiko Digital ED 12 mm F2.0

Filter: None

ISO 500

Aperture 8.918863

Shutter Speed: 7.965784

Comment: In a world where houses "rest" their roofs on the sky, and everything is built of glass, plastic and concrete, there is still a place for wildlife. Its presence may be invisible to us, but its representatives continue to survive near us, in our cities, huddled on the very outskirts, coming out of hiding only under the cover of night, or hiding from us in the depths of the sea, the wild animal world continues to coexist with us. In the photo, a marble crab is under water. An animal that has adapted to live very close to people, and whose presence we almost do not notice.

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