photo contest

Photo Details

#stayhomephotocontest with camera & filters

Name: Polina

Country of residence: Russia

Country where picture is taken: Russia

Title of the Picture: isolation

Camera Canon EOS 5D Mark IV

Lens 50 mm

Filter: None

ISO 800

Aperture 1.625

Shutter Speed: 7.375

Comment: The isolation for me began two weeks before the quarantine was announced. The temperature rose and a cough appeared, and from that day began my amazing trip to the doctors and panicking listening to myself. If at the beginning the doctors laughed at me, what a crown the girl was, you were not abroad? Didn't have any suspicious contacts? Normal SARS. As time went on, the cough became stronger, the temperature, however, did not rise above 37.5 The doctor of the clinic I turned to recommended recommending me to be treated at home, by that time, ovoid patients began to appear in the polyclinics and every trip there was for mine, as it turned out A process damaged by a pneumonia in August is very risky. A month passed, my condition did not change - temperature and a strong cough. The attitude of the doctors towards me was worsening, by that time there were more and more patients and there was no more confidence in anything, they sent me to a CT scan and took the tests for the crown. Analyzes showed that I do not have coronavirus, like pneumonia, only mild foci of memory from August inflammation. Bronchitis, and this is finally my official diagnosis, has not yet left me, but I am already close to recovery. In the photo, I inhale a cough medicine with an inhaler.

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