photo contest

Photo Details

In your vicinity, #neighborhoodphotocontest with camera & filters

Name: seyedmohamad tabrizi

Country of residence: Iran

Country where picture is taken: Iran

Title of the Picture: Mary and a tissue mask

Camera NIKON D7100


Filter: Polarizing(PL)

ISO 900

Aperture 4.643856

Shutter Speed: 5.906891

Comment: Following the crisis of coronavirus disease in different parts of the world, the coronavirus in Iran was officially confirmed on February 20, 2020. However, according to some experts, patients with coronavirus symptoms have been referred to medical centers since January and have not been identified due to the onset of the disease. People thought that using a mask was the easiest and best way to fight the Crohn's virus, while the main point was to follow the principles of hygiene, and mask hacking was part of the way to fight the virus. For this reason, in the first months, there was a severe shortage of masks in all provinces of Iran, and the people prepared their own masks. This photo shows a girl making a mask with a tissue and walking down the street.

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