photo contest

Photo Details

In your vicinity, #neighborhoodphotocontest with camera & filters

Name: Younes Mohammad

Country of residence: Iraq

Country where picture is taken: Iraq

Title of the Picture: Lockdown diary

Camera Canon EOS 5D Mark IV


Filter: None

ISO 250

Aperture 2.8

Shutter Speed: 1/125

Comment: On the first day of Spring (Nawroz), unable to go out because of the quarantine order, a family passes the time relaxing on the rooftop as tea boils in the kettle.

In response to the COVID-19 global pandemic, the government of Iraqi Kurdistan put in place quarantine orders beginning March 15st, 2020. While steaming the tide of infections, the social and economic impacts of the quarantine play out in the daily lives of the Kurdish people in different ways.

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