photo contest

Photo Details

Pictures taken with ND filter (Vol.2)

Name: Rayhan Ahmed

Country of residence: Bangladesh

Country where picture is taken: Bangladesh

Title of the Picture: Massive gathering on a local train

Camera Canon EOS 60D

Lens 18-135 mm

Filter: PL/ND

ISO 200

Aperture 4.970854

Shutter Speed: 8.321928

Comment: Thousands of commuters and travelers try to find a spot on the train, with many resorting to standing on the roof and holding onto the front.
With no seats and not many trains, people are forced to resort to grabbing hold of the outside and standing on the roof so they can get home.
I was able to capture the dangerous overcrowding as people tried to board trains at Tongi, Bangladesh.
Between 8,000-10,000 people were trying to find any possible space to board the trains.

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