photo contest

Photo Details

Night-/Starscape and Astro-photography with/without filter

Name: Martin Bordagaray

Country of residence: Argentina

Country where picture is taken: Argentina

Title of the Picture: The Dark Side of the Sky

Camera Canon EOS 5D Mark II

Lens Canon 17-40mm

Filter: None

ISO 1000

Aperture 4

Shutter Speed: -4.906891

Comment: Under the velvet canopy of a moonless night, 'The Dark Side of the Sky' unfolds along the asphalt of a rural road, where the symphony of the cosmos takes center stage. This breathtaking photograph captures the unblemished beauty of the Milky Way, unhindered by both lunar glow and the intrusion of urban lights.

Perched at the roadside, the photographer's lens invites us to witness the cosmic ballet above. The Milky Way sprawls across the heavens like an iridescent river of stardust, revealing the celestial wonders that often elude the gaze of city-dwellers. The absence of artificial light pollution allows the night sky to emerge in all its splendor, revealing a tapestry of stars that stretches beyond the limits of imagination.

In the foreground, the banquette of the road transforms into a canvas where terrestrial and celestial realms converge. A passing car, its tail lights streaking like a comet, leaves a luminous trail that intersects with the verdant silhouette of roadside vegetation. This luminous path and the natural elements form a mesmerizing triangle, evoking the iconic prism from Pink Floyd's 'The Dark Side of the Moon' album cover.

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