photo contest

Photo Details

Night-/Starscape and Astro-photography with/without filter

Name: Elena Pakhalyuk

Country of residence: Russia

Country where picture is taken: Russia

Title of the Picture: Ice Captivity

Camera Canon EOS 5D Mark IV

Lens 14-24 Sigma f2.8 Art

Filter: None

ISO 800

Aperture 5.655638

Shutter Speed: -3.321928

Comment: This is not Iceland or the Caucasus... This is Kamchatka! And in the bowels of a real volcano! Yes, volcanoes can meet you not only with a hot or cooled lava cave, but also with ice. Many more corners of the planet are little studied, they keep their secrets ..

Inside the ice cave of the Mutnovsky volcano, Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia.

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